A Psychological assessment tool designed to evaluate personality disorders, clinical and severe syndromes in adults. It includes 195 true/fase items and provides insites into an individual's personality structure, emotional functioning, and underlying mental health conditions.
Assessment for Personality Disorder
SKU: 364215376135191
The questions are adminstered and submitted online. The BASIC MCMI-IV offering is for clinical and personal use only. Price includes a 50-minute session to discuss the results and a summary of the assessment is provided, but no official documentation is included in this package.
The MCMI-IV specifically assesses the following:
- Personality Patterns:
- Schizoid: Social detachment, emotional coldness.
- Avoidant: Social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy.
- Melancholic: Pervasive sadness, low energy.
- Dependent: Excessive need to be taken care of.
- Histrionic: Attention-seeking, emotionality.
- Turbulent: Unstable emotions, mood swings.
- Narcissistic: Grandiosity, need for admiration.
- Antisocial: Disregard for others, impulsivity.
- Sadistic (Aggressive): Cruelty, aggressive behavior.
- Compulsive: Perfectionism, control.
- Negativistic (Passive-Aggressive): Hostility, opposition.
- Masochistic (Self-Defeating): Self-sacrifice, tendency to seek suffering.
- Clinical Syndromes:
- Anxiety: Chronic worry, tension.
- Somatic Symptom Disorder: Preoccupation with physical symptoms.
- Bipolar Disorder: Mood swings, manic episodes.
- Persistent Depression (Dysthymia): Chronic depressive symptoms.
- Alcohol Use Disorder: Alcohol abuse and dependence.
- Drug Use Disorder: Substance abuse and dependence.
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Trauma-related symptoms.
- Thought Disorder: Psychotic symptoms, disorganized thinking.
- Major Depression: Severe depressive episodes.
- Delusional Disorder: Fixed, false beliefs.
- Severe Personality Pathology:
- Schizotypal: Odd beliefs, eccentric behavior.
- Borderline: Instability in relationships, self-image, and emotions.
- Paranoid: Distrust and suspicion of others.
- Personality Patterns: